Monday, November 2, 2009

Natural Foods Can Increase Your Thyroid Production

An under active thyroid CAN make it hard for you to lose weight, but there are a few tips that can help you increase your thyroid production, ease your hypothyroidism symptoms and make your weight loss a little easier.

Don't Eat These Foods!
There are a few foods that can actually cause your thyroid production to slowdown and make it harder for you to lose weight. So avoid over-processed and refined foods like junk foods, fried foods, white flours - and basically anything that isn't naturally found in nature.

Of course, when I say natural I don't mean you have to buy all organic foods (because a lot of those "so-called" organic foods aren't that "organic") - just foods that actually come the way they are grown. Let me give you an example...

- Chicken breast is something that can actually be found in nature,
but bologna is not.
- Tomatoes can actually be found in nature,
but Twinkies cannot.
- Wheat is something that can actually be found in nature,
but donuts cannot.

Are you starting to get the idea?

Just avoiding over-proccessed, over-refined and junk foods is going to instantly improve your thyroid production and help you lose weight with ease.

Of course, there are other ways to improve your hypothyroidism....

Visit your thyroid help for more information

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Helpful Hypothyroidism Websites

Here are a few websites that have great information on Hypothyroidism. If you have technical information on your thyroid gland or hypothyroidism, you can probably find the answer at one of these sites...

Hypothyroidism Overview
Endocrine Web

Signs & Symptoms of Hypothyroidism
Mayo Clinic

Hypothyroidism Causes
E Health MD

Monday, October 26, 2009

Natural Treatment For Hypothyroidism

Can you treat (or even cure) your hypothyroidism naturally?

Yes! You can!

You can get the natural treatment that you need, get your thyroid production regulated, lose weight, feel healthy and eliminate your symptoms. And you can do it all without prescriptions or artificial hormones.

I used a natural treatment for hypothyroidism, and it was a LOT easier for me than any prescription ever was!

I just added a few foods to my diet -- like foods rich in iodine, high protein foods and brewer's yeast.

I also avoided eating foods like soy, broccoli and kale.

Then I followed a simple plan developed specially for hypothyroidism sufferers, and started using a little "secret weapon" that really skyrocketed my weight loss and helped me feel better.

If you want to find out more about the same plan that helped me to lose the weight, then visit the hypothyroidism diet website

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How I Knew That I Had Hypothyroidism

I had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism...

I was overweight and I had to damn near starve myself to lose the weight.
I was always tired, I was depressed and I HATED cold weather.

But I never thought that all those things had anything to do with each other. Then I realized that my hair was starting to fall-out and thin - right at the front! I knew something wasn't right with me then, so I went to the internet and started doing some research.

My hypothyroidism blood test that I took at the dr. office came back negative - and he gave me a diet plan to follow (which, of course, didn't work).

I ended up suffering for 4 more years - thinking that I was crazy the entire time - before I finally found out that blood tests for thyroid symptoms were VERY inaccurate.

So I decided that if i wanted to be healthy, I would have to take matters into my own hands.

I discovered a way to support my thyroid gland and get it to function properly. And as soon as I got my thyroid gland leveled-out and working properly, then all my thyroid symptoms just went away.

And the best part is that as soon as I got my thyroid regulated, I started losing weight - without even starting a strict diet!

I used to have to starve myself to lose MAYBE 1 pound a week, but as soon as I got my thyroid working properly I started losing 2 - 3 lbs a week just by eating normally.

I was amazed at how much better I felt, how much more energy I had, and how much easier it was for me to lose weight.

I just wish I would have taken matters into my own hands a LONG, LONG time ago - instead of listening to my dr and suffering for years.

To find out more about the plan I used to lose over 65 pounds... visit

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Video about your thyroid symptoms

Here is a video that covers all your thyroid symptoms...

For more information about regulating your thyroid and eliminating all you thyroid symptoms, visit

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thyroid Symptoms And You

Hypothyroidism is a condition that occurs when your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. If your body isn’t producing enough thyroid hormone it can make your life miserable.

You are tired, irritable, moody, depressed, you can’t concentrate and you feel as if you are losing your grip on your sanity and your life.

The list below includes symptoms of hypothyroidism. You may be experiencing some or all of these symptoms in a wide range of severity.

Have you noticed that...
  • You have problems losing weight and seem to gain weight without reason?
  • You feel tired and weak?
  • You are depressed and moody?
  • Your hair is dry and rough?
  • You become cold easily; being in cold weather is painful?
  • You are often constipated?
  • Your skin is dry and pale?
  • You are easily irritated?
  • You have problems remembering and concentrating?
  • You have irregular menstrual cycles?
  • You have a decreased interest in sex?
  • You have muscle and/or joint pain?
  • Your fingernails may be thin and brittle?
  • Your face, hands, and feet are often swollen or puff?
Hypothyroidism is often misdiagnosed as depression, PMS, poor diet, or several other conditions.

Many experts now feel that blood tests do not accurately test for a low functioning thyroid. Have you been tested for hypothyroidism with a blood test, only for the doctor to tell you that everything looks normal? Many people have.

That is why there are over 30 MILLION Americans who are suffering without even realizing that something is wrong!

To Find Out More, visit